As students face increasing graduation requirements, it is becoming more difficult for them to include career and technical training in their high school schedules. In an effort to keep this opportunity open to as many students as possible, Northland Career Center has an embedded credit English IV program. As part of their career and technical program, students will have the opportunity to earn ½ English credit for each year they attend the Career Center.
This NCC English credit will be embedded within the regular schedule of the program. Lessons and projects will be geared toward improving English skills that will make students more successful for a future career in that particular program. Therefore, plans will include significant input from course instructors while being aligned with standards from the Common Core.
Using the above approach, the following power standards will be addressed:
- Ex. Becoming more proficient at technical reading
- Ex. Preparing resumes and career-related written communication
- Ex. Looking into innovations within the career field
- Ex. Working on basics of grammar, punctuation, spelling and capitalization for professional communication purposes
- Ex. Becoming more adept at using career-related terminology in written and oral communication
- Ex. Sharing ideas and information with peers and other audiences
The English credit is an added benefit, not added assignments. As these lessons are part of each program, they are required, not optional. If you have any questions regarding this English credit, please don't hesitate to contact me at 858-5505. I look forward to working with you in the new school year.

Sara Price
Communication Arts Instructor/Certified English Teacher
[email protected]